CP Printing has the resources and expertise to create your custom health and beauty product labels. We understand that health and beauty products will be handled excessively by your consumers, with likely exposure to humidity, moisture, lotions, oils, soaps, and more, necessitating durable labels that maintain integrity despite handling and exposure.
Furthermore, we understand the importance of high-quality, beautiful packaging to convey the quality of your health and beauty products on the shelves. CP Printing will work with you to ensure that the quality of the label on your package matches the product it contains.


WATER RESISTANT LABELS: Water resistant label materials and inks withstand moisture such as condensation and exposure to liquid, maintaining integrity and aesthetic appeal.
UV RESISTANT LABELS: UV resistant label materials and inks will not fade or lose aesthetic appeal with long-term exposure to sunlight or bright UV lights in warehouses or store displays.
DURABLE LABELS: Durable label material and inks can withstand exposure to extreme temperatures, moisture, UV light, and excessive handling.
STEADFAST ADHESION: CP Printing offers label materials that will adhere to various packaging substrate, including cardboard, plastic, glass, film, and more, maintaining integrity through handling and exposure.

UNIQUE APPLICATIONS: Health and Beauty labels often require unique label shapes, sizes, and applications in order to fit distinctive packaging. CP Printing has the resources to create your label no matter how complicated your packaging might be.
CUSTOM DIE CUTTING: CP Printing can create custom cutting dies in order to accommodate complicated label shapes and sizes.
CUSTOM FINISHING OPTIONS: CP Printing has finishing options available to make the final finishing touches on your label, from varnishes and coatings to foil stamping and more.
Small to Midsize Production, Seasonal Items, Complex Color Combinations, Rush Orders & Highly Customized Items.
High-Volume Production, Complex Artwork, & Unique Label Applications.
On-Demand Printing, Portable Machines, Simple Colors Combinations &
Pre-Print Options.